YouTube with Universal Analytics Tracking Plugin

YouTube video embed system that adds tracking for Universal Analytics Events to the start, pause, and completion of a video. Setup the Universal Analytics Javascript Object Name on the settings page, Usually “ga”. Enter in the YouTube Video ID, the Title of the video you want to track, the height and width, and a few other customization options. Then using a simple shortcode call you are able to implement a tracked YouTube video onto any place you can use a shortcode.

Source on BitBucketSource on GitHubPlugin on WordPress
Tracking YouTube Videos using Google Analytics article at is very useful for wanting to understand what might be going on.

[ytwa_video vid="1"]

This is the video that is implemented by the shortcode above in my install of the YouTube with Universal Analytics Plugin.

[ytwa_video vid=”1″]


Greg Whitehead

Greg Whitehead

The WP CMS Ninja

Plugin Author